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4 Window Service Social Media Strategies to Secure Installation & Replacement Jobs

Selling window services online can be a very competitive environment, with competition in Google’s organic results fierce and pay-per-click costs rising. Social media provides your window service business with an opportunity to attract new customers, both paid and organically.

Many window service businesses have yet to figure out social media, allowing you to take the majority of your local area’s attention on the popular social media platforms. With a solid strategy and some creativity, you can create an additional stream of inbound leads and customers.

Identifying the Ideal Window Service Customer

It’s important to first identify your ideal target customer. It’s impossible to develop an effective social media marketing strategy without knowing who’s the typical customer for window replacement and window installation services.

Knowing your target customer’s information, such as location and age demographic, will help you not only target correctly but also know what kind of content they are likely to respond to on social media. Here are four window service social media tips to help you attract more customer interest and secure more window installation and window replacement jobs.

1. Focus Your Effort on the Platforms Your Target Audience Participates On

Social media can be very overwhelming, especially with so many new platforms being introduced and new features being released on existing platforms. If you allow it to consume you it can pull all of your attention and focus away from the social media marketing strategies that are effective specifically for a window service business.

FOMO or fear of missing out also comes into play when something new – often dubbed as the next best thing – rolls out, whether it’s a new feature on an established platform or a brand new social media network entirely.

The average consumer that would be likely to hire a window service company, ranging from complete window replacement jobs to a single window installation job, is going to be an older demographic – the typical homeowner, which is 28 to 65 years old.

Actively participating on social media platforms that this target market isn’t using is a complete waste of time. TikTok and Snapchat are prime examples. While some businesses, like direct-to-consumer brands, consider these two social networks highly effective in terms of customer acquisition and ROI, the target audience for a window service business is non-existent on TikTok and Snapchat. They are used by a much younger demographic.

Two social media platforms deliver outstanding results, with one being very common and another one that might be a surprise to some. Facebook is the clear leader, as the older demographic is more active on this platform currently than ever before. When you also introduce paid ads you gain access to the most advanced targeting options available.

The other platform is Pinterest, which is a visual social network that is very popular amongst the do-it-yourself crowd. This DIY audience is also very active in the home remodeling scene, and many of those projects require complete window replacements and installation jobs.

2. Post Frequently and Consistently to Gain Momentum (Paid Ads = Gas to the Fire)

You cannot make a few posts on social media randomly and expect them to attract leads and sales. It requires a lot of posting consistently to gain enough momentum, leading to natural follower growth.

Many businesses feel that it’s useless to post frequently in the beginning, especially when their initial following is very small. They feel as if they are speaking to an empty room. This is why many fail to gain any momentum on social media and why you see so many business profiles that have been dormant for several months and even years.

Post quality content in the beginning regardless of your follower count, because when someone does come in contact with your posts you want to give them a good reason to follow you. This won’t happen if you just randomly post without a plan.

One option that we see many window service businesses choose to do is run paid ads to quickly build a decent following. This also gives you social proof – a consumer is more likely to follow an account that they deem is popular.

While your content might be excellent, if you only have three followers it’s going to be difficult to convince others to join them. On the other hand, if you have 800 followers someone isn’t going to think twice. If they enjoy your content they will follow.

3. Share Window Service Customer Testimonials

If you are struggling to come up with new and exciting content to share on social media consider focusing on creating content that features customer testimonials. This is easy to put together and something that your prospective customers like to see. Furthermore, it can help convert those prospects into customers.

While Google reviews and Facebook reviews are great, there is nothing more than a testimonial that is matched with a face – a real customer. There are several different formats of customer testimonials that you can easily create.

Image and Text Testimonial: You can collect written testimonials via email and then create an image that features the text as well as a picture of the customer. Don’t worry if you don’t have any design skills – free image tools like Canva can help you create visually stunning content utilizing their drag and drop interface.

Video Testimonial: Video testimonials are very effective because it’s the customer speaking directly to your followers. Ask your previous customers if they would mind filming a quick 30-second testimonial for you. They can do this on their mobile phone and text or email it to you. These are very effective when left raw and unedited.

On-Site Testimonial: If you happen to be at the job site when wrapping up and the customer is present, see if they would find filming a quick testimonial with the new windows as a backdrop. When you combine the product with a video testimonial it becomes an even more effective testimonial.

There is no cost associated with creating this content, and it can be repurposed across all of your social media, posted on your window service blog, and sent to your email list. You can also repost old testimonials, so each one you create just adds to this valuable social media marketing asset.

4. Create How-to Content

Make sure to have a mix of content, with some of it pure value, completely free of any self-promotion and special offers. A great angle to consider is creating how-to video content. This is easily shareable and something that your following will be willing to consume.

Don’t be afraid of providing too much information – the average consumer isn’t going to attempt to install or replace windows on their own. Explaining the different steps allows you to showcase your knowledge and skills.

You are looked at as the expert and if you are the only window service business offering this kind of information you become the go-to source for all information related to window replacement and window installation.

By positioning your business as the industry leader in your market you will have a much easier time converting leads into sales, and you will begin to see an increase in referrals. Consumers are more willing to refer to businesses that they view as the better option, and creating informative videos is one way to provide the kind of value that is rewarded.

Final Thoughts

Your business must explore and participate in every online marketing activity that has the potential to generate window service leads that then convert into booked jobs. Social media marketing is one of the most effective ways to get your business out in front of a new audience, both through organic posts that feature the correct geotagging and hashtags, and paid ads that use laser-focused customer interest targeting.

While social media can feel foreign to some small businesses, the sooner you jump in and begin to post, the sooner you will learn how each platform works and how your target customer act – and react – on these platforms.

If you have any questions related to window service social media marketing please contact us for a free consultation and social media audit. Our team will be more than happy to answer your questions and take a look at your current social media profiles and content strategy.

We offer fully managed window service social media campaigns, handling everything from content creation to posting and interacting, helping your business generate consistent leads and customers.

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