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Top 3 Strategies for Advertising Your Replacement Window Company

Running a successful window company advertising campaign requires a well thought-out strategy along with the experience and expertise to drive website traffic and generate high quality leads that convert well at an affordable acquisition cost.

We are experts when it comes to generating leads for replacement window companies — it’s all we do. While many marketing agencies are a jack of all trades, master of none, we focus on one thing, and one thing only — marketing for window and door installation companies.

There are plenty of options when it comes to window company advertising, so how do you know what is going to be effective and attract local customers and what will be a waste of both time and money?

While there isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution that will work for every window company seeking marketing services, there are a few strategies that will always remain at the top in terms of potential effectiveness and the results delivered.

Let’s go over the top three strategies for advertising your replacement window company — we can help you implement these, along with other campaigns to help you scale your business at an incredible rate.

1. Window & Door Marketing Domination: SEO and Pay-Per-Click

Search engine optimization and pay-per-click are always going to be the most effective window and door marketing strategies for a couple different reasons. Let’s break down each, along with their pros and cons.

Window and Door SEO: Search engine optimization is a long-term strategy. Results take time to achieve, and the best way to explain it would be comparing the process to building a house. You have to lay a solid and well-built foundation in order to build up. A low quality foundation is going to cause issues down the line and will result in a poorly built structure.

The initial SEO groundwork is crucial to the success of your campaign. There are steps and processes that need to be followed to ensure that rankings and traffic, once achieved, remain consistent and continue to improve.

The biggest benefit of SEO is that it can attract highly qualified traffic that convert into window and door leads around the clock. You also aren’t paying for every visitor, which is why so many businesses crave organic traffic. The only drawback is the time it takes to rank safely and correctly for long-term results, but while you wait for the SEO efforts to kick in you can run PPC campaigns to drive instant traffic.

Window and Door PPC: Google is the number one source of traffic online and pay-per-click campaigns via Google Ads is the easiest way to drive traffic to your website that has a high probability of first converting into a lead, whether a phone call or submission form, and then eventually converting into a paying customer.

With PPC, you are paying for each click — every single website visit has a CPC (cost-per-click) associated with it, so it’s important you take measures to convert a high number of those visits into leads.

You should be sending your pay-per-click traffic to optimized landing pages with an offer that 100 percent matches the ad that was clicked on. All distractions — like navigation menus and additional offers — need to be removed so the visitor has one of two options: convert into a lead or leave the website.

2. Hyper-Local Social Media Window and Door Advertising Campaign

Social media provides plenty of opportunities, both paid and organic, to supplement your window and door advertising efforts. Let’s look into how paid Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest ads can help your replacement window company generate leads and sales.

Window and Door Facebook Ads: Just like with Google Ads, Facebook ads allow you to attract website visitors almost immediately through hyper-local targeting. There are a couple different strategies to help you succeed with Facebook advertising.

You can run ads targeting local users that have specific interests, and this is where creativity is the campaign’s best asset. For example, someone that has recently liked a home remodeling page could be in the market for new windows or doors.

You can also run local blanket campaigns, targeting everyone aged 35+ within a 20 mile radius and create a piece of content that gives the viewer incentive to like, comment and share. Something along the lines of, “Know Someone in [City] that Needs New Windows or Doors? Like this post, tag them in the comments and then share the post — we will be randomly selecting one person that does this to receive a $250 Amazon gift card!”

While you are paying to promote the piece of content, it’s the engagement received that will benefit you (and not cost you additional money). This is a highly effective way to make a name for yourself in the local community.

Geo Targeted Instagram and Pinterest Ads: Instagram and Pinterest are two very visual social media platforms. This type of advertising is great for branding and it can result in driving leads down the line, whereas Google Ads or Facebook ads are more of a “right now” solution.

Taking beautiful and creative pictures of your completed jobs provides you with content to post on Instagram and Pinterest that you can then promote to your local market. The images will need to be compelling to draw interest, and from there you can direct the viewer to your website or a special offer.

3. Website Optimized to Convert Window and Door Leads

Your website is a key component of your marketing effort and it needs to be optimized correctly in order to convert your traffic into window and door leads. Websites for a service business need to be purpose-built to generate leads above anything else.

What good is a fancy looking website if it doesn’t generate leads? We build websites that are both eye appealing and lead conversion machines. Let’s focus on three things that will help you generate more window and door leads.

Click-to-Call CTA to Convert Instant Window and Door Leads: You are going to have some website visitors that have an immediate need and want to speak to someone about a new window or door right away.

Consumers that want to speak right away typically find you via a Google search on their mobile device, so having a click-to-call option is important. Not having this feature can drastically reduce the number of window and door leads your website produces.

Form Submit CTA: You will also receive some traffic that would rather request info be sent to them via email, so they will opt to submit a form rather than call your business.

For this reason you want to have contact forms strategically placed in areas of your website where the visitor will see them and take action. It’s always a good idea to have a form in plain sight when landing on your website, without the need to scroll or navigate to find it. Placing it directly in front of your visitors will greatly increase the number of window and door leads your website converts.

Special Offer (ex: Free Estimate) to Increase Conversion Rates: One mistake we often see is a form submit that requires a name, email address and phone number, but has zero incentive for the individual to fill it out.

You have to provide an incentive, whether it’s a discount, a free estimate, etc. Anything is better than nothing. You will convert more window and door leads if the consumers feel like he or she is receiving something of value.

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